
(Chris Devlin) #1

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thinking. Once the problems are identified, and their
reaction to them justified, the thinking stops.

The Thinkers have taken their reaction to the
company’s problems past their emotions, and into their
minds. And because they have formulated some solu-
tions, the nature of their meeting with the manager is
creative. It’s a brainstorming meeting. The manager
enjoys these meetings because they stimulate his mind,
too. Both parties leave the meeting feeling energized
intellectually, and the manager looks forward to future
meetings with the Thinkers.

The Whiners have left their reaction to their
company’s problems down at the emotional level. They
express resentment, fear, and worry. The manager’s
problem in such a meeting is that he deals primarily
with those emotions, so he finishes the meeting with
his own sense of discouragement.

When you are committed to self-motivation as a way
of life, you will fall into the realm of the Thinker. Your
thinking not only creates your motivation, but it cre-
ates your relationships, your family, and the organiza-
tion you work for as well, because they are all a part of
you. You are more valuable to your organization with
this orientation to thinking, and you’re more valuable
to yourself.

87. Put more enjoyment in

There is a huge difference between pleasure and en-
joyment. And when we’re absolutely clear about the dif-
ference, we can grow much faster toward a focused and
energized life.
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi best describes this differ-
ence in his various books on “flow”—the psychological

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