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same conviction upon us, for they involve a sense of
You can be the master of your own fate. You can make
choices all day long about what you are going to learn
and what you are not going to learn.
“What are you reading over there?” someone may
ask you. “Oh, it’s just something I found in the trash,”
you might say.
And it might seem harmless enough to read some-
thing you found in the wastebasket because there was
nothing else nearby, but whole lives are shaped that way.
The computer term “GIGO”—garbage in, garbage out—
is even truer for the human biocomputer than it is for
mechanical computers.
Take control of what you know. The more you know
about what motivates you, the easier it is to motivate
yourself. The more you know about the human brain,
the less trouble you have operating it. Knowledge is
power. Respect yours and build on it.
97. Connect truth to beauty
I hate reading motivational material that thunders
at me about the importance of integrity and honesty for
their own sake. Somehow, that always seems to turn
me off, because the writers come off like angry preach-
ers and teachers. Hardly inspiring.
I’m always inspired better by things that are made
to look interesting and fun. I’m always taken in by a
promise of life being more beautiful and rarely taken in
by a promise of a life being more righteous and proper.
To me, the best case to make for honesty is how beau-
tiful it is...how clean and clear it makes the journey from
current reality to the dream.