
(Chris Devlin) #1

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memory of their laughter and clapping. The thing I
thought I feared most in life was somehow mastered.
And I repeated to myself the principle I had used to
make it happen—the more I sweat in peacetime, the
less I bleed in war.
I often look back on who I was when I first encoun-
tered the words, “I am a coward,” in A Walk With Love
and Death. And I realize that today I have something
that I didn’t have back then, the knowledge that courage
can be created.

I still have fears, but I no longer am fear. I no
longer think of myself as a coward. And when people
compliment me on something I’ve done that they think
was courageous, I don’t dismiss them as being crazy
or stupid.
There is a way I use to motivate myself to overcome
any fear that’s in my way today. It’s a way I’ve never
told anyone about until now, because it has a strange
name. I call it “walk with love and death.”

When I need to get through something, face some-
thing, or create a courageous action plan—I take long
walks. When I walk long and far enough, a solution al-
waysappears. I eventually get oriented to the most cre-
ative course of action.

“When you walk,” writes Andrew Weil in Spontane-
ous Healing, “the movement of your limbs is cross-pat-
terned: the right leg and left arm move forward at the
same time, then the left leg and right arm. This type of
movement generates electrical activity in the brain that
has a harmonizing influence on the central nervous sys-
tem—a special benefit of walking that you do not neces-
sarily get from other kinds of exercise.”

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