
(Chris Devlin) #1

I call it “a walk with love” because love and fear are
opposites. (Most people think love and hate are oppo-
sites, but they are not.) The ultimate creativity occurs
from a spirit of love and, as Emmet Fox says, “Love is
always creative, and fear is always destructive.”
I call it a “walk with death,” because it is only the
acceptance and awareness of my own death that gives
my life the clarity that it needs to be exciting.
My walks often last a long time. Somehow, what-
ever challenge I’m facing appears to me from many dif-
ferent angles as I’m walking. I know that one of the real
values is that while walking, I’m truly alone with my-
self—there are no phones to answer or people to talk
to. I create so little of that kind of time in life, that it’s
always surprising how beneficial it is.

Take your own challenges out for a walk. Feel your
self-motivation growing inside you, as the electricity in
your brain starts to harmonize your central nervous
system. You’ll soon know for a fact that you have what
it takes. You won’t have to pray for the courage to change
the things you can—you will already have it.

Walk with love and death
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