
(Chris Devlin) #1
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you’re buried alive in a comfort zone. It’s up to you to
notice when you are spending your life, in the image of
the poet William Olsen, like a flower “living under the
Use your comfort zones to rest in, not to live in. Use
them consciously to relax and restore your energy as
you mentally prepare for your next challenge. But if you
use comfort zones to live in forever, they become what
rock singer Sting calls your “soul cages.” Break free.
Fly away. Experience what the philosopher Fichte meant
when he said, “Being free is nothing. Becoming free is

24. Run your own plays

Design your own life’s game plan. Let the game re-
spond to you rather than the other way around. Be like
Bill Walsh, the former head coach of the San Francisco
49ers. Everybody thought he was a kind of eccentric
because of how extensively he planned his plays in ad-
vance of each game. Most coaches would wait to see how
the game unfolded, then respond with plays that reacted
to the other team. Not Bill Walsh. Walsh would pace
the sidelines with a big sheet of plays that his team was
going to run, no matter what. He wanted the other team
to respond to him.
Walsh won a lot of Super Bowls with his unortho-
dox proactive approach. But all he did was to act on the
crucial difference between creating and reacting.
You can create your own plans in advance so that
your life will respond to you. If you can hold the thought
that at all times your life is either a creation or a reac-
tion, you can continually remind yourself to be creating

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