
(Chris Devlin) #1

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crowded to the full with glorious action, and filled with
noble risks.”

It’s amazing what can be done by people who learn
to relax, pay attention, and focus, appreciating the
present hour and all the opportunity it contains.

It is said that in America we try to cultivate an ap-
preciation of art, while the Japanese cultivate the art
of appreciation. You, too, can cultivate the art of appre-
ciation. Appreciate this hour. This hour, right now, is
pure opportunity.
The great French philosopher Voltaire was on his
deathbed when someone asked him, “If you had 24 more
hours to live, how would you live them?” Voltaire said,
“One at a time.”

36. Be a good detective

In your professional life, whatever it is, always be
curious. When you meet with someone, think of your-
self as a bumbling but friendly private detective. Ask
questions. Then ask follow-up questions. And then let
the answers make you even more curious. Let the an-
swers suggest even more questions. This will motivate
you to higher levels of consciousness and interest.

When you prepare a meeting with someone, prepare
your questions. Cultivate your curiosity. Don’t ever be
at a loss for questions to ask.

Most of us do the opposite. We prepare our answers.
We rehearse what we are going to say. We polish our
presentation, and strengthen it, not realizing that our
host would much rather talk than listen to us.

If you are in business, you know that when prospec-
tive customers contract for long-term services, they want
a company that’s truly interested in them, that under-
stands them, that will be a good consultant to them. To

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