
(Chris Devlin) #1

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Translation: You can make yourself smarter.
“Whoever told you that you cannot increase your in-
telligence?” asks Dr. Robert Jarvik, inventor of the ar-
tificial heart. “Whoever taught you not to try? They
didn’t know. Flex your mind. Develop it. Use it. It will
enrich you and bring you the love of life that thrives on
truth and understanding.”
Research shows that mathematicians live longer
than people in any other profession do, and we never
used to know why. Now, in further studies done at
UCLA, there has been a direct connection established
between dendrite growth and longevity. Mental activ-
ity keeps you alive. Lose your mental challenges, and
life itself fades away.

Don’t listen to the voice inside that talks about your
age, or your IQ, or your life history, or anything it can
slow you down with. Don’t be seduced. You can start a
highly motivated life right now by increasing the chal-
lenges you give your brain.

39. Come to your own rescue

After a seminar I gave in Vancouver, Canada, Don
Beach, the sales manager of Benndorf Verster, one of
that city’s top businesses, sent me a tape of a song that
he wanted me to hear.
He said it reminded him of what I had been teach-
ing his team about self-esteem. The song was a live per-
formance by the old folk-singing duo, Sonny Terry and
Brownie McGee. The song is called “Love, Truth and
Confidence.” It’s about how we foolishly chase after love
and try to discover the ultimate truth, while ignoring
something much more vital to our happiness: confidence.

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