8.2 Surface Integrals, Stokes 119
Fig. 8.6 Cylinder
coordinates with the vectors
with the two parametersφandz. The tangential vectors are
={−ρsinφ, ρcosφ, 0 }=ρeφ,
={ 0 , 0 , 1 }=ez. (8.17)
The unit vectorseφandez=eρare orthogonal, cf. Fig.8.6. Their cross product
eφ×ezis parallel to the outer normalnof the cylinder mantle.
(iii) Surface of a Sphere
The surface of a sphere with constant radiusRparameterized with the ansatz
r={Rcosφsinθ,Rsinφsinθ,Rcosθ}. (8.18)
Here the parameters are the polar anglesθandφ. Now the tangential vectors are
={−Rsinφsinθ,Rcosφsinθ, 0 }=Rsinθeφ, (8.19)
={Rcosφcosθ,Rsinφcosθ,−Rsinθ}=Reθ, (8.20)
The cross product of these tangential vectors yields
=R^2 sinθeθ×eφ=R^2 sin^2 θ̂r, (8.21)
with the unit vector̂rpointing in radial direction. The mesh on the surface consists
of circles around the polar axis with radiusRsinθ,forθ=const., and grand semi-
circles running from the North to the South pole, forφ=const.. The unit vectors
eθ,eφand̂rare mutually orthogonal, see Fig.8.7.