134 8 Integration of Fields
8.3.3 Application: Moment of Inertia Tensor
The moment of inertia tensorΘμν, introduced in Sect.4.3.2, can also be expressed
as a volume integral over the mass densityρof a solid body, viz.:
ρ(r)(r^2 δμν−rμrν)d^3 r. (8.65)
The moment of inertia tensor, evaluated either as a sum over discrete masses or
a volume integral, depends on the choice of the origin. When one talks aboutthe
moment of inertia tensor of a mass distribution, it is understood thatr=0, in (8.65),
corresponds to its center of mass. In the general case, the effective moment of inertia
tensor, entering the linear relation between the angular momentum and the angular
velocity, is
Θμνeff=M(R^2 δμν−RμRν)+Θcmμν, (8.66)
whereMis the total mass,Ris the position of the center of mass, and it is understood
thatΘμνcmis for a rotation around the center of mass. Relation (8.66) is referred to
as∫ Steiner’s law. It can be derived from (8.65) withr=R+r′. For the proof, use
′d (^3) r′=0. When there is no danger of confusionΘcm
μνwill be denoted byΘμν,
in the following.
As also pointed out in Sect.4.3.2,themoment of inertiafor a rotation about a
fixed axis is defined via the linear relation between the component of the angular
momentum parallel to this axis and the magnitudewof the angular velocity. With
the unit vector̂wμ, parallel to the axis of rotation, the moment of inertia isΘ=
̂wμΘμν̂wν, and consequently
ρ(r)r⊥^2 d^3 r, (8.67)
r^2 ⊥=r^2 −̂wμrμ̂wνrν=r^2 −(̂w·r)^2
is the square of the shortest distance of a mass element atr, from the rotation axis.
The origin of the position vector is a point on the rotation axis. With thez-axis chosen
parallel to the rotation axis,r⊥^2 is justr^2 −z^2 =x^2 +y^2.
By definition, the moment of inertia tensor is symmetric and positive definite.
In general, it has three eigenvaluesΘ(^1 ),Θ(^2 )andΘ(^3 ), which are the moments of
inertia for rotations about the three principal axes. An object with three different
principal moments of inertia is referred to as asymmetric top. A symmetric top has
two equal eigenvalues, e.g.Θ^1 =Θ(^2 )=Θ(^3 ), for the spherical top, all three are
equal. These different types of symmetry of the moment of inertia tensor result from