Tensors for Physics

(Marcin) #1

12.3 Averages Over Velocity Distributions 213

Kinetic Theory of Gasesare presented. Physical phenomena associated with the
velocity distribution, both for an equilibrium situation and for non-equilibrium, in
particular for transport processes, are e.g. discussed in [40], see also [13].

12.3.1 Integrals Over the Maxwell Distribution

Letvbe the velocity of an atom or molecule in a gas or liquid. The distribution
of the different velocities is characterized by the velocity distribution function, also
denoted byf=f(v), which is conventionally normalized such that

f(v)d^3 v=n. (12.48)

Herenis the number density. The average〈ψ〉of a functionψ(v)is given by




ψ(v)f(v)d^3 v. (12.49)

In thermal equilibrium, at temperatures and densities, where quantum effects play
no role,fis equal to the Maxwell distributionf 0

f 0 (v)≡n 0


2 πkBT 0

) 3 / 2



2 kBT 0


, (12.50)

wheremis the mass of a particle. The constant densityn 0 =N/V,oftheNparticles
confined to the volumeVand the constant temperatureT 0 characterize the absolute
equilibrium state. The Boltzmann constant is denoted bykB. It is convenient to
introduce a dimensionless velocity variableVvia

V^2 =

2 kBT 0

, (12.51)

which implies


2 c 0 V, c 0 =

kBT 0 /m, (12.52)

and to use the velocity distributionF=F(V), linked withf(v), such that

f(v)d^3 v=F(V)d^3 V.

Instead of (12.49), averages are then evaluated according to




ψ(V)F(V)d^3 V. (12.53)
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