2.2 Vector as Linear Combination of Basis Vectors 15
e(i)·e(j)=δij. (2.11)
Hereδijis the Kronecker symbol, i.e.δij=1fori=jandδij=0fori=j.
The position vectorrcan be written as a linear combination of these unit vectors
e(i)according to
r=r 1 e(^1 )+r 2 e(^2 )+r 3 e(^3 ). (2.12)
Since thebasis vectorsare not only orthogonal, but also normalized to 1, the Cartesian
components are equal to the scalar product ofrwith the basis vectors, e.g.r 1 =e(^1 )·r.
2.2.2 Non-orthogonal Basis
Three vectorsa(i), withi=1, 2, 3, which are not within one plane, can be used as
basis vectors. Then the vectorrcan be represented by the linear combination
r=ξ^1 a(^1 )+ξ^2 a(^2 )+ξ^3 a(^3 ), (2.13)
with the coefficientsξi. Scalar multiplication of (2.13) with the basis vectorsa(i)
j= 1
gijξj. (2.14)
The coefficient matrix
gij=a(i)·a(j)=gji, (2.15)
is determined by the scalar products of the basis vectors. The coefficientsξiandξi
are referred to ascontra-andco-variantcomponents of the vector in a coordinate
system with axes specified by the basis vectorsa(i).
In this basis, the square of the length or of the magnitude of the vector is given by
ξiξi. (2.16)
variant components and it is essential for the calculation of the norm. Thus it deter-
mines themetricof the coordinate system.
The geometric meaning of the two different types of components is demonstrated
in Fig.2.3for the 2-dimensional case.
The intersection of the dashed line parallel to the 2-axis with the 1-axis marks the
componentξ^1 , similarlyξ^2 is found at the intersection of the 2-axis with the dashed
line parallel to the 1-axis. The componentξ 1 andξ 2 are found at the intersections