Tensors for Physics

(Marcin) #1

Appendix: Exercises... 397

is made. The Maxwell equation−∂Bμ/∂t=εμνλ∇νEλleads to

cB(μ^0 )=εμνλ̂kνE(λ^0 ).

Thus the magnetic field is perpendicular to both the wave vector and the electric
(ii)Plane Wave(7.64). From the plane wave ansatz

Eμ=E(μ^0 )exp[ikνrν−iωt]

follows, by analogy to the calculations above,


Again∇νEν=0, corresponding tokνEν=0, implies that theE-field is perpendic-
ular to the wave vectork. The second spatial derivative leads to

ΔEμ=−k^2 Eμ.

The first and second time derivatives of the field are





Eμ=−ω^2 Eμ.

Thus the wave equation (7.60) imposes the condition

k^2 =ω^2 /c^2 ,

which proofs the dispersion relation (7.65).
Here−∂Bμ/∂t=εμνλ∇νEλleads to


As expected, also for plane waves, the magnetic field is perpendicular to both the
wave vector and the electric field.

7.3 Electromagnetic Waves in Flatland?(p.105)
In flatland, one has just 2 dimensions. Cartesian components are denoted by Latin
letters i,j,...,i= 1 ,2,j= 1 ,2,etc. The summation convention is used. In vacuum,
and for zero charges and currents, the adapted Maxwell equations are

∇iEi= 0 , −∇iHij=ε 0


Ej, ∇iEj−∇jEi=−μ 0



In 2D, there is no equation corresponding to∇λBλ=0.It is not defined and not
needed in 2D. The magnetic field tensors have only one independent component.

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