Tensors for Physics

(Marcin) #1

422 Appendix: Exercises...

which are equivalent to the homogeneous Maxwell equations, cast into the pertaining
three-dimensional form? Introduce a three-by-three field tensor Fijand formulate
their homogeneous Maxwell equations. How about the inhomogeneous Maxwell
equations in flatland?

The antisymmetric field tensor is defined by

Fik:=∂kΦi−∂iΦk, i,k= 1 , 2 , 3.

In matrix notation, it reads


0 B^1 cE 1

−B (^01) cE 2
−^1 cE 1 −^1 cE 2 0


From the definition of the field tensor follows

∂ 1 F 23 +∂ 2 F 31 +∂ 3 F 12 = 0.

This Jacobi identity corresponds to

∂ 1 E 2 −∂ 2 E 1 =−




The two-dimensionalD-field and the H-field tensor are combined in the tensor


0 HcD 1
−H 0 cD 2
−cD 1 −cD 2 0

⎠. (A.20)

The inhomogeneous Maxwell equations are equivalent to


The casei=3 corresponds to

∂ 1 D 1 +∂ 2 D 2 =ρ.

The casesi=1 andi=2are

∂ 2 H=j 1 +∂D 1 /∂t, −∂ 1 H=j 2 +∂D 2 /∂t.

Also in flatland, constitutive relations are needed to close the Maxwell equations.
In vacuum and in a linear medium, the linear relationHik ∼ Fikapplies. This
corresponds toDi∼Ei,i= 1 ,2 andH∼B.

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