Tensors for Physics

(Marcin) #1

434 Index

Cholesteric liquid crystal, 274 , 287
Cholesterics, 290
Circular frequency, 102
Clebsch-Gordan tensors, 191
Clesch-Gordan coefficients, 256
Closed curve, 112
Co-rotational Maxwell model, 330
Co-rotational time derivative, 330
Collision frequency, 319
Collision integrals, 319
Collisional broadening, 356
Colloidal dispersions, 332
Commutation relation, 106 , 239
Complex viscosity coefficients, 315
Component equations, 359
Component notation, 13
Conductivity coefficients, 268
Conductivity tensor, 267
Configurational canonical average, 309
Configurational partition integral, 309
Confocal microscopy, 229
Conservation of mass, 97 , 140
Constitutive laws, 344
Constitutive relations, 299
Continuity equation, 97 , 100 , 140 , 381
Contra- and co-variant components, 15
Contraction, 157
Contraction number, 307
Contraction of tensors, 35
Convected Maxwell model, 330
Convective transport, 97
Conventional classification of vector fields,
Cotton-Mouton effect, 208
Couette flow, 315
Couette flow geometry, 229
Coulomb energy, 145
Coulomb force, 139
Coupling tensors, 191
Creeping flow approximation, 178
Cross-correlation functions, 352
Cross effect, 325
Cross product, 41
Cubatics, 291
Cubic crystals, 161 , 292 , 308
Cubic harmonic, 162
Cubic order parameter, 291
Cubic symmetry, 161 , 231 , 307
Curie Principle, 300
Curl, 89
Curve integral, 112
Curve integral of a vector field, 114
Cylinder coordinates, 130

Cylinder mantle, 118 , 122
Cylindrical geometry, 78 , 82

d’Alembert operator, 101
Decomposition, 75
Deformation, 304
Deformation rate, 227
Deformation tensor, 304 , 305
Depolarized Rayleigh light scattering, 253
Depolarized Rayleigh scattering, 354
Depolarized scattering, 354
Descending multipole potentials, 163
Determinant, 47 , 380
Deviatoric part, 89
Diagonal operators, 252
Diamagnetic gases, 318
Dicke narrowing, 357
Dielectric permeability, 98
Dielectric tensor, 63 , 145 , 148 , 255 , 302
Differential change, 79
Differential operator, 189
Diffusional broadening, 356
Diffusion coefficient, 218
Diffusion length, 349
Diffusion tensor, 337
Dipolar orientation, 206
Dipolar symmetry, 171
Dipole moment, 169 , 171
Dipole potential, 164
Dipole–quadrupole interactions, 177
Dipole transition matrix elements, 236
Director elasticity, 285
Disc-like particles, 347
Discotic nematic, 274
Dispersion relation, 102
Divergence, 89
Divergence-free, 91
Doi-Hess-theory, 343
Doi-theory, 343
Doppler broadening, 356
Double refraction, 63
Double twist structure, 275
Dual relation, 40
Dual tensor, 379
Dyad, 37
Dyadic, 37
Dyadic tensor, 37
Dynamic states, 362
Dynamics of the alignment tensor, 362
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