2.7 Differentiation of Vectors and Tensors with Respect to a Parameter 29
The parity operation is also timeless. Thus it commutes with the differentiation
with respect to time. Consequently, the time derivativeA ̇of a tensor has the same
parity as the original tensorA.
In short: neither the property of a physical quantity being a tensor, nor its parity
behavior are affected by differentiating it with respect to time.
2.7.2 Trajectory and Velocity
The trajectory of a mass point or of the center of mass of any solid object is described
by the time dependence of its position vectorr=r(t), or equivalently,rμ=rμ(t),
μ= 1 , 2 ,3. The velocityvis defined by
rμ≡ ̇rμ. (2.61)
The velocity is a polar vector, just as the position vector.
The unit vector
̂vμ=v−^1 vμ=(r ̇νr ̇ν)−^1 /^2 r ̇μ, (2.62)
points in the direction of the tangent of the curve describing the trajectory. It is
referred to astangential vector.
Two simple types of motion are considered next.
- Motion along a straight line. The trajectory is determined by
rμ(t)=rμ^0 +f(t)eμ,
whererμ^0 and the unit vectoreμare constant. The differentiable functionf(t)is
assumed to be equal to zero fort=0, thenrμ( 0 )=rμ^0 .Forr^0 μ=0, the line runs
through the origin. The resulting velocity is
Here, one haŝvμ=eμ=const. andv=f ̇.Forastraight uniform motion, not
only the direction of the velocity, but also the speedvis constant. Thenf(t)=vt
hold true.
- Motion on a circle. The motion on a circle with the radiusRand the angular
velocitywis described by
r 1 =Rcos(wt), r 2 =Rsin(wt), r 3 = 0 ,
where, obviously, the circle lies in the 1–2-plane. The origin of the coordinate
system is the center of the circle. At timet=0, the position vector points in the