Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing by Videbeck

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


  • Munhall established the pattern of unknow-
    ing as an openness that the nurse brings to
    the relationship that prevents preconceptions
    from clouding his or her view of the client.

  • The three types of relationships are social,
    intimate, and therapeutic. The nurse–client
    relationship should be therapeutic, not social
    or intimate.

  • Nurse theorist Hildegard Peplau developed
    the phases of the nurse–client relationship:
    orientation, working (with subphases of
    problem identification and exploitation), and
    termination or resolution. These phases are
    ongoing and overlapping.

  • The orientation phase begins when the nurse
    and client meet and ends when the client be-
    gins to identify problems to examine.

  • Tasks of the working phase include main-
    taining the relationship, gathering more
    data, exploring perceptions of reality, devel-
    oping positive coping mechanisms, promot-
    ing a positive self-concept, encouraging ver-
    balization of feelings that facilitate behavior

change, working through resistance, evalu-
ating progress and redefining goals as ap-
propriate, providing opportunities for the
client to practice new behaviors, and pro-
moting independence.

  • Termination begins when the problems are
    resolved and ends with the termination of
    the relationship.

  • Factors that diminish the nurse–client rela-
    tionship include loss of or unclear bound-
    aries, intimacy, and abuse of power.

  • Therapeutic roles of the nurse in the
    nurse–client relationship include teacher,
    caregiver, advocate, and parent surrogate.
    For further learning, visit


Carper, B. (1978). Fundamental patterns of knowing in
nursing. Advances in Nursing Science,13–23.
Deering, C. G. (1999). To speak or not to speak? Self-
disclosure with patients. American Journal of
Nursing, 99(1), 34–39.
Forchuk, C., Westwell, J., Martin, M., Bamber-Azzapardi,
W., Kosterewa-Tolman, D., & Hux, M. (2000). The
developing nurse-client relationship: Nurses’ per-
spectives. Journal of the American Psychiatric
Nurses Association, 6(1), 3–10.
Hancock, C. (1998). How to decide about self-disclosure.
Nursing, 98(3), 12–13.
Hewitt, J. (2002). A critical review of the arguments
debating the role of the nurse advocate. Journal of
Advanced Nursing, 37(5), 439–445.
Hyland, D. (2002). An exploration of the relationship be-
tween patient autonomy and patient advocacy: Impli-
cations for nursing practice. Nursing Ethics, 9(5),


Resource Internet Address
◗Countertransference and the therapeutic
◗Analysis: difficult relationship
◗Hildegard Peplau home page
◗Boundaries and countertransference
in treatment

Critical Thinking Questions

1.When is it appropriate to accept a gift from a
client? What types of gifts are acceptable?
Under what circumstances should the nurse
accept a gift from a client?
2.What relationship-building behaviors would
the nurse use with a client who is very dis-
trustful of the health care system?
3.What preconceptions do you have about mental
health clients?
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