Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing by Videbeck

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

Chapter Study Guide


Select the best answer for each of the following

  1. Which of the following accurately lists Bowlby’s
    phases of the grieving process?

A. Denial, anger, depression, bargaining,
B. Shock, outcry, and denial; intrusion of
thought, distractions, and obsessive reviewing
of the loss; confiding in others to emote and
cognitively restructure an account of the loss

C. Numbness and denial of the loss, emotional
yearning for the loved one and protesting per-
manence of the loss, cognitive disorganization
and emotional despair, reorganizing and
reintegrating a sense of self
D. Reeling, feeling, dealing, healing

  1. Which of the following give cues to the nurse
    that a client may be grieving for a loss?

A. Sad affect, anger, anxiety, and sudden
changes in mood
B. Thoughts, feelings, behavior, and physiologic

C. Hallucinations, panic level of anxiety, sense
of impending doom
D. Complaints of abdominal pain, diarrhea, and
loss of appetite

  1. Situations that are considered risk factors for
    complicated grief are

A. inadequate support and old age
B. childbirth, marriage, and divorce
C. death of a spouse or child, death by suicide,
sudden and unexpected death
D. inadequate perception of the grieving crisis

  1. Physiologic responses of complicated grieving
    A. tearfulness when recalling significant memo-
    ries of the lost one
    B. impaired appetite, weight loss, lack of energy,
    C. depression, panic disorders, chronic grief
    D. impaired immune system, increased serum
    prolactin level, increased mortality rate from
    heart disease

  2. Critical factors for successful integration of loss
    during the grieving process are
    A. the client’s adequate perception, adequate
    support, and adequate coping
    B. the nurse’s trustworthiness and healthy
    attitudes about grief
    C. accurate assessment and intervention by the
    nurse or helping person
    D. the client’s predictable and steady movement
    from one stage of the process to the next

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