Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing by Videbeck

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

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The second edition of Psychiatric Mental Health Nurs-
ingcontinues to have students as the primary focus.
It presents sound nursing theory, therapeutic modal-
ities, and clinical applications across the treatment
continuum. Chapters are short, to the point, and easy
to read and understand. They highlight and empha-
size important material to facilitate student learning.
This text uses the nursing process framework and
emphasizes assessment, therapeutic communication,
neurobiologic theory, and pharmacology throughout.
Interventions focus on all aspects of client care, in-
cluding communication, client and family teaching,
and community resources, and their practical appli-
cation in various clinical settings.

Organization of the Text

Unit 1: Current Theories and Practiceprovides a
strong foundation for students. It addresses current
issues in psychiatric nursing, as well as the many
treatment settings in which nurses encounter clients.
It discusses neurobiologic theories and psychophar-
macology and psychosocial theories and therapy
thoroughly as a basis for understanding mental illness
and its treatment.
Unit 2: Building the Nurse–Client Relationship
presents the basic elements essential to the practice
of mental health nursing. Chapters on therapeutic
relationships and therapeutic communication pre-
pare students to begin working with clients both in
mental health settings and in all other areas of nurs-
ing practice. The chapter on the client’s response to
illness provides a framework for understanding the
individual client. An entire chapter is devoted to as-
sessment, emphasizing its importance in nursing.
Unit 3: Current Social and Emotional Concerns
covers topics that are not exclusive to mental health
settings, including legal and ethical issues; anger,
aggression, and hostility; abuse and violence; and
grief and loss. Nurses in all practice settings find
themselves confronted with issues related to these
topics. Additionally, many legal and ethical concerns
are interwoven with issues of violence and loss.

Unit 4: Nursing Practice for Psychiatric Dis-
orderscovers all the major categories identified in the
DSM-IV-TR. Each chapter provides current informa-
tion on etiology, onset and clinical course, treatment,
and nursing care.

New Features in the Second Edition

  • A new chapter on Legal and Ethical Issues ad-
    dresses some current dilemmas in psychiatric
    nursing today.

  • Sections on Mental Health Promotion in
    Units 3 & 4 include the latest research.

  • Additional NCLEX-style multiple-choice ques-
    tions are found in the Chapter Study Guide

  • Updates in pharmacology include new drugs
    currently being tested and FDA Black Box
    Warnings for psychotropic medications.

  • Additional artwork illustrates key terms and

Pedagogical Features
Psychiatric Mental Health Nursingincorporates
several pedagogical features designed to facilitate
student learning:

  • Learning Objectives to focus the student’s read-
    ing and study

  • Key Terms that identify new terms used in
    the chapter. Each term is identified in bold
    and defined in the text.

  • Application of the nursing process using the as-
    sessment framework presented in Chapter 8,
    so students can compare and contrast the var-
    ious disorders more easily

  • Critical thinking questions to stimulate stu-
    dents’ thinking about current dilemmas and
    issues in mental health

  • Key points that summarize chapter content to
    reinforce important concepts

  • Chapter Study Guides that provide workbook-
    style questions for students to test their knowl-
    edge and understanding of each chapter


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