Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing by Videbeck

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


continued from page 427

The client will

  • Demonstrate appropriate or adequate
    social skills

  • Identify social activities in drug- and
    alcohol-free environments

  • Assess own strengths and weak-
    nesses realistically
    The client will

  • Maintain contact or relationship
    with a professional in the community

  • Verbalize plans to join a community
    support group that meets the needs
    of clients with a dual diagnosis, if

  • Participate in drug- and alcohol-free
    programs and activities

continued on page 429


Nursing Interventions *denotes collaborative interventions Rationale
Encourage open expression of feelings.

Validate the client’s frustration or anger in deal-
ing with dual problems (e.g. “I know this must be
very difficult.”).

Consider alcohol or substance use as a factor that
influences the client’s ability to live in the com-
munity, as you would other factors such as taking
medications, keeping appointments, having ade-
quate eating and sleeping patterns, and so forth.

Maintain frequent contact with the client even if
it is only brief telephone calls.

Give positive feedback for abstinence on a day-by-
day basis.

Verbalizing feelings is an initial step toward deal-
ing constructively with those feelings.

Expressing feelings outwardly, especially negative
ones, may relieve some of the client’s stress and

For the client with a dual diagnosis, substance
use is not necessarily the major problem he or she
experiences; it may be only one of several prob-
lems. Overemphasis on any single factor, even
substance use, is not a guarantee of success.

Frequent contact decreases the length of time the
client feels “stranded” or left alone to deal with

Positive feedback reinforces abstinent behavior.
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