Science - USA (2021-11-12)

(Antfer) #1




SCIENCE 12 NOVEMBER 2021 • VOL 374 ISSUE 6569 801


ations meeting here at a major cli-
mate summit announced new com-
mitments to cutting greenhouse
gases that would—if realized—put
the world on a path to meeting a key
goal of the 2015 Paris agreement. The
new pledges unveiled last week include re-
vised commitments from India, China, and
11 other nations, and could keep warming to
1.8°C to 1.9°C this century, two new analyses
find. That edges the world closer to the Paris
goal of keeping warming “well below” 2°C.
But the new commitments are “not cause
for unbounded optimism,” cautions Univer-
sity of Melbourne climate scientist Malte
Meinshausen, an author of one of the new
analyses, released on 4 November by analyt-
ics company Climate Resource. Meinshausen
worries countries won’t follow through. “The
world has set its course on roughly the right
horizon, but there’s still a lot of work to do.”
The new warming estimates don’t fall
far below other recent projections, notes

New pledges

could keep

global warming

below 2°C target

But can nations truly realize

ambitious goals and provide

developing countries with

needed financing?


Doudna and her team made the new tool By Cathleen O’Grady, in Glasgow, U.K.
by tweaking lab constructs called viruslike
particles (VLPs), which contain all the virus’
structural proteins but lack its genome. From
the outside, a SARS-CoV-2 VLP looks exactly
like the full-fledged virus. It can bind with
cells in a laboratory and invade them. But be-
cause it is stripped of the virus’ RNA genome,
it can’t hijack a cell’s machinery to replicate
and burst out of the host cell to infect more
cells. “It’s a one-way ticket. It doesn’t spread,”
says Charles Rice, a molecular virologist at
Rockefeller University.
Doudna and her colleagues, including co–
senior author Melanie Ott, a virologist and di-
rector of the Gladstone Institute of Virology,
added a new innovation to the VLP system.
They inserted a snippet of messenger RNA
(mRNA) that causes cells invaded by VLPs
to light up. The brighter cells glow, the more
mRNA the cells have received from the VLPs.
Next, the researchers tweaked the VLP
proteins with mutations. One was R203M,
a mutation found in Delta that alters the
nucleocapsid protein (N), a molecule tucked
inside the virus that plays a key role in viral
replication, including packaging and releas-
ing the virus’ genetic material. R203M con-
tains a mutational hot spot: a seven–amino
acid stretch mutated in most samples of
every SARS-CoV-2 variant of interest or con-
cern. R203M is one mutation in this hot spot.
That work “revealed a surprise,” Doudna
says. “A single amino acid change found in
Delta’s nucleocapsid protein supercharged
the [VLPs] with 10 times more mRNA com-
pared with the original virus!” For VLPs car-
rying N mutations found in the Alpha and
Gamma variants, the figures were 7.5 and
4.2, respectively.
The scientists next tested a real corona-
virus engineered to include the R203M muta-
tion, in appropriate lab biosafety conditions.

After invading lung cells in the lab, the mu-
tated virus produced 51 times more infectious
virus than an original SARS-CoV-2 strain.
In people infected with the coronavirus,
a very small proportion of viral particles
produced by a cell actually go on to infect
another cell, in part because many particles
lack a complete viral genome. So mutations
that make the viral genome more efficient at
putting RNA inside host cells can boost the
number of infectious particles produced.
“This mutation that’s found in Delta ...
makes the virus better at making infectious
particles and because of that, it spreads more
quickly,” says co-first author Abdullah Syed,
a biomedical engineer at the Gladstone Insti-
tute of Data Science and Biotechnology.
The finding has implications for treat-
ments, says Shan Lu, a cell biologist at UC
San Diego who studies the N protein. “The
field could think more about targeting the
nucleocapsid protein to really help control
infection and help treat patients.” For in-
stance, drugs could be targeted to any host
protein found to help Delta’s R203M muta-
tion boost the delivery of mRNA to cells.
Scientists are also excited by the new VLP
system, which will allow researchers with-
out high-level biosafety labs to study how
all four coronavirus structural proteins
work. Jasmine Cubuk, a biochemist and
biophysicist at Washington University in
St. Louis, calls it “a fascinating and a very
powerful tool.”
Rice cautions the new VLPs are a model
system that may not always mimic the real
thing. Researchers will still need to work
with the real virus in advanced biosafety
labs. But he praises the new tool. “It re-
ally provides a wonderful system to study
coronavirus assembly and also to look for
drugs, for inhibitors that interfere with
these processes.” j

A mutation in SARS-CoV-2’s nucleocapsid protein (large coil inside virus particle) may help Delta spread.

India, which relies heavily on coal, is among nations
that have made fresh pledges to cut emissions.
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