Science - USA (2021-11-12)

(Antfer) #1

star—so-called hot Jupiters. With its height-
ened sensitivity, Webb will be able to sniff
out molecules in the thinner atmospheres of
rocky planets. “We will see the first chemical
fingerprints from Earth-sized planets,” says
Batalha, who has assembled a team of about
60 collaborators to test transit spectroscopy
in one of Webb’s largest early programs.
Few think Webb will have sharp enough
eyes to sense signs of life in an exoplanet’s
atmosphere, such as oxygen, ozone, or chlo-
rophyll. But it will go a long way toward un-
derstanding the variety of atmospheres and
how habitable they are. “Webb will give us
the demographics of atmospheres,” Batalha
says. “It’s like moving from silent movies in
black and white to color TV.”

SO INTENSE is the interest in Earth-size
planets and their suitability for life that in
2018 NASA launched a “spotter” for Webb:
a space mission to identify the best candi-
dates for atmospheric studies—rocky plan-
ets around dim red dwarf stars, which do
not swamp a planet’s light as much as other
stars. The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Sat-
ellite (TESS) has in its first 3 years found
159 confirmed planets and has another
4500 awaiting confirmation.
A first task for Batalha’s team will be to
solve a mystery posed by the planetary in-
ventory Kepler and TESS have assembled:
The most common exoplanets are a type
that doesn’t exist in the Solar System, with
a mass between that of Earth and Nep-
tune. “We don’t really understand what
they are,” Batalha says. Webb should help.
If the mystery planets are smaller versions
of Neptune, a gas giant, they should have
a thick atmosphere dominated by primor-
dial hydrogen mixed with water, carbon

dioxide, and carbon monoxide. If they are
rocky bodies—super-Earths—their atmo-
sphere should reflect geological processes,
like volcanism, that often spew molecules
such as methane or ammonia.
Transiting planets also periodically pass
behind their star; Webb will compare the
star’s light just before and during these
eclipses. Prior to the eclipse, the light in-
cludes both the star’s emissions and the
much fainter light from the planet, whereas
the eclipse itself blots out the planet’s light.
By comparing the two signals, astronomers
can infer the planet’s own glow, which be-
trays information about temperatures and
cloud cover.
The combined light of the star and orbit-
ing planet should change subtly as observ-
ers receive light from the planet’s dayside,
nightside, and varying mixtures of the two.
The resulting “phase curve” reveals the dy-
namics of an atmospheric system: how the
atmosphere shuffles heat from the hot day-
side to the cooler nightside, which in turn
affects winds and cloud movement. “We
will also be able to tease out 2D and 3D ef-
fects, such as clouds on one side and not
the other,” Lewis says. “It’ll keep us busy for
a long time.”
Webb will also take pictures of exoplanets
directly, with the help of a coronagraph, a
mask within the telescope that blocks the
overwhelming glare of the star so that the
tiny dim planets around it can be seen. The
largest telescopes on Earth can only dis-
cern the largest planets, more than twice
Jupiter’s mass, in wide orbits. Furthermore,
only young planets have been imaged, ones
glowing with the leftover heat of their for-
mation, not just the much dimmer reflected
light of the star.

Webb, designed to catch this infrared
glow without the blurring interference
of Earth’s atmosphere, will be able to see
smaller planets later in life, orbiting closer
to their stars. “Something like Jupiter
would be great,” Baraffe says; research-
ers wonder whether the composition and
temperature of an alien Jupiter will be any-
thing like the homegrown version. “Will it
share general characteristics or be very dif-
ferent because it formed in different condi-
tions?” Baraffe asks. But directly imaging
an Earth-like planet and searching for
signs of life will have to wait for an even
larger and more capable space telescope
(Science, 14 December 2018, p. 1230).

FOR MANY, the first data from Webb will
prompt a shift from one tension to an-
other: from anxiety over its launch and
deployment to pressure to make the most
of its limited life. Whereas Hubble could
be refueled and upgraded by visiting as-
tronauts, extending its life for decades, the
clock is ticking for Webb: It’s designed to
last 5 or 10 years, but beyond that nothing
is certain.
The limiting factor is propellant. Webb
needs its thrusters to maintain its orbit
around L2 and to occasionally dump an-
gular momentum from the reaction wheels
that point the telescope and keep the sun-
shield in position. Without propellant,
Webb will drift from L2 and eventually fall
into a fatal spin. It won’t be able to charge
its solar-powered batteries or communicate
with Earth. Webb will see no more.
Finkelstein will rue that day, but he
is confident he will be plenty busy in the
meantime. “I’ve basically cleared the next
decade from my schedule.” j

The James Webb Space Telescope will reach deeper in time than Hubble, which captured “deep field” images (left), revealing galaxies that shone 800 million years after the
big bang. It will also zoom in on gaps in disks of gas and dust around some young stars, seen in radio telescope images (right), which are thought to mark planetary orbits.


12 NOVEMBER 2021 • VOL 374 ISSUE 6569 811
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