Science - USA (2021-11-12)

(Antfer) #1



Myelin: A gatekeeper of activity-dependent

circuit plasticity?

Giulia Bonetto, David Belin, Ragnhildur Thóra Káradóttir

BACKGROUND:Myelin, produced by oligoden-
drocytes, supports the rapid and synchronized
transfer of information across the central ner-
vous system (CNS). Earlier views of myelin as
the discovery that myelin changes throughout
the life span with experience or the acquisition
of new skills, adapting the function of neuronal
circuits like those underlying learn-
ing and memory. We discuss the
functional implications of myelin
changes, capitalizing on previous re-
views of mechanisms of myelin plas-
ticity to assess how such changes might
be linked to circuit function underly-
ing learning and memory.
In the CNS, there remains a sub-
stantial proportion of unmyelinated
or partially myelinated axons, which
can potentially become myelinated
namic range for activity-dependent
structural plasticity, whereby newly
generated oligodendrocytes myeli-
nate these axons and axonal seg-
ments, or existing oligodendrocytes
alter myelin internodes in response
to neuronal activity. Neuronal activ-
ity seems to promote oligodendro-
cyte precursor cells (OPCs), evenly
distributed throughout the adult brain,
to differentiate into new myelinating
oligodendrocytes and to alter the
internodal length and thickness of
existing myelin, as well as increasing
lactate release from oligodendrocytes
via myelin to fuel conduction. Com-
putational models indicate that neu-
ronal activity–dependent myelin alterations
can promote neural phase synchronization,
which is needed for learning and memory.
Myelin plasticity therefore represents a mech-
anism by which experience and associated
learning may modify brain connections, pre-
sumably by shaping the computation of neu-
ronal circuits via alterations in the timing of
neuronal signal transmission.

ADVANCES:The few studies that have directly
investigated the role of myelin plasticity in
learning and memory have provided evidence
that brain plasticity in the form of de novo myelin

formation may play a role in the encoding
(learning) and storage (memory) of informa-
tion. Collectively these studies reveal that OPC
proliferation is fast, almost immediate, upon
initiation of training in a behavioral task,
driving change at a speed similar to that of
structural synaptic plasticity. However, new
oligodendrocytes and new myelin do not ap-

pear until days or weeks later. These dynamic
changes do not seem to be universal nor to
follow the ongoing constitutive myelination
program. Instead, they differ in brain regions
and timing depending on the task, the per-
formance of which relies on distinct and/or
interacting memory processes, including pre-
frontal cortex–dependent short-term/working
memory, hippocampus-dependent spatial mem-
ory, dorsal striatum–dependent procedural
memory, or amygdala-dependent Pavlovian
and emotional memory. As a result, it appears
that although the proliferation of oligoden-
drocytes seems nonspecific to the function and

underlying neural substrate that is being re-
cruited to the task, the pattern of myelination
is indeed memory system–dependent.
The functional role of OPC differentiation,
as these cells form new oligodendrocytes at
different times during learning and memory
formation, can be causally interrogated in
transgenic mouse models that use inducible
OPC-specific Cre lines to genetically delete
transcription factors needed for this process.
Preventing OPC differentiation into new mye-
linating oligodendrocytes affects memory across
an array of behavioral tasks, including prefrontal
cortex–and hippocampus-dependent spatial
navigation (in the Morris water maze), contex-
tual fear conditioning, and motor cortex/dorsal
striatum–dependent skill learning. Despite dif-
ferences in study designs that preclude direct
comparison, collectively the results of these
studies converge on one overarching picture:
The time at which the deficit emerges
after blockade of OPC differentiation
seems to coincide with the time when
multiple brain regions coordinate
functionally to mediate long-term
storage of a memory.

OUTLOOK:Various studies demonstrate
that suppression of adult oligodendro-
genesis differentially impairs memory
across memory/neural systems. Col-
lectively, they support the conclusion
that myelin plasticity could support
systems-wide memory consolidation,
a mechanism underlying long-term
memory. Together with the evidence
that dysfunctional myelin or altered
myelination during development im-
pairs learning and adaptive behavior,
this body of data suggests that even
small changes in myelin across the
and systems-level mechanisms involved
in cognition and behavior. Myelin
might have a broader function than
previously assumed: Dysfunctional or
maladaptive myelination may con-
tribute to neurodegenerative and
neuropsychiatric disorders, which
have hitherto been considered to have
a neuronal basis. A deeper knowledge of the
functional role of myelin plasticity may unlock
alternative therapeutic approaches. Collect-
ively, this calls for further investigation of the
functional role of myelin plasticity.


838 12 NOVEMBER 2021•VOL 374 ISSUE 6569 SCIENCE

The list of author affiliations is available in the full article online.
*Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] (R.T.K.);
[email protected] (D.B.)
Cite this article as G. Bonettoet al.,Science 374 , eaba6905
(2021). DOI: 10.1126/science.aba6905


Myelin plasticity underpins learning and memory.Stylized diagram of
myelinating oligodendrocytes connecting different types of long-term
memory, including spatial memory, Pavlovian fear memory, and motor
skills, assessed in specific behavioral paradigms (clockwise from top left:
single-pellet forelimb reach, complex wheel, contextual fear, Morris water
maze) and underpinned by distinct neural systems, representing how
oligodendrocyte and myelin changes in the brain are involved in the
modification of circuit functions underlying learning and behavior.
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