Time Management : Set Priorities to Get the Right Things Done

(Darren Dugan) #1

next time something comes up he might be reluc-
tant to meet with you, knowing you will take up
more of his time than you need to.
When composing an e-mail or leaving a mes-
sage, take the time to structure your thoughts


When former World Bank chief
economist and U.S. Secretary of the
Treasury Lawrence H. Summers taught
at Harvard, his students complained
about not having enough time. So he
taught them about time logs. He had
them write down the amount of time
they spent on each activity each day:
sleeping, eating, writing papers, play-
ing sports, and so on. The students
were able to understand just how they
spent their time, then use that infor-
mation to make some changes.
Many other management gurus and
successful businesspeople keep time
logs. For instance, the late Peter
Drucker strongly advised using them.
And former Chick-fil-A president
James L. S. Collins found the practice
so helpful that he never gave it up.
SOURCE:Time Tactics of Very Successful People by
B. Eugene Griessman (McGraw-Hill, 1994).
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