Time Management : Set Priorities to Get the Right Things Done

(Darren Dugan) #1


fi rst and prune out extraneous information.
Don’t pour your message out in a stream-of-
consciousness style. Keep your communications


Time can get the best of you—or you
can get the best of time. To make time
work for you, action is required on your
If something is bothering you, speak
out and do something about it—don’t
procrastinate. Change what you can
change; let go of what you can’t
change—quickly. When you feel your-
self tensing up, breathe deeply, take
a break, and cool off. A few moments
to collect yourself can save you from
making wrong, time-wasting decisions.
When you make a mistake, don’t waste
time by dwelling on it. Move on as
soon as possible.
When you’re criticized, take only
what fits and leave the rest. When
you’re about to criticize someone, stop
before you waste your time and theirs.
When disputes arise, don’t waste time
trying to prove you’re right; instead
look for common ground—it’s there.
Remember, any time you save is time
for you.

Outside the Box

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