Time Management : Set Priorities to Get the Right Things Done

(Darren Dugan) #1

runs long, excuse yourself once the main busi-
ness is completed, explaining that you have
another commitment. Ask someone to take
notes on the balance of the meeting for you.
You can also end an appointment by tactfully,
but fi rmly, excusing yourself. You’re a manager
with a mission now, and that doesn’t include
running late.
Be particularly vigilant about respecting
your boss’s time, even if he is constantly wast-
ing yours. When your boss is expecting you
at two o’clock, be a few minutes early—even
if that means you have to wait. It’s not up to
you to decide that what you’re doing is more
important than meeting with your boss. If your
boss is chronically late, make sure you come

 Don’t derail your schedule by coming
out late from meetings. If the meeting
is running long, excuse yourself.

 Do be vigilant about being on time to
appointments with your superiors.

 Don’t assume your team members
know the importance of punctuality.
Remind them frequently that punc-
tuality increases productivity and
reduces stress in the department.

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