become more time effi cient. The critical issue
is not aesthetics, but the accessibility of data:
Someone who can quickly fi nd what she needs
in a mountain of clutter is better off than some-
one whose work space is neat as a pin but must
search for hours to fi nd anything.
To heighten awareness of time management
among your team, it’s also vital to instill a time-
management awareness and a sense of focus in
each individual. Remember, the chain is only
as strong as its weakest link. Monitor every
individual’s progress toward adopting the time-
management plan. In one-on-one meetings or
coaching sessions, review your team members’
to-do lists and ask questions about how their
plans fi t into the department’s plans.
Finally, make special recognition possible for
people who demonstrate the best time-manage-
ment techniques. Then spread the word. Offer
incentives to workers who suggest better time-
management approaches to assignments, tasks,
projects, and initiatives. Anticipate that people
might actually have extra time, and be prepared
to help them fi nd ways to use it wisely.
Most workers are occasionally exasperated by
their boss’s lack of concentration. The higher
someone moves up the corporate ladder, the
more distractions he has to deal with. But as
the single most important player in your work-
ing life, your boss exerts the most control and
demands over your time. You are in a bind if he
is terrible at focusing and managing time.