Time Management : Set Priorities to Get the Right Things Done

(Darren Dugan) #1


task understand the demands it will make on
your time and energy?
What? Exactly what are you required to do? Is
it valuable in the big picture? Does the benefi t of
doing the job justify the investment of your time,
energy, and resources?
When? By what date do you need to complete
your task? Do you have the time to accom-
modate this request? Former president Dwight
D. Eisenhower explained that truly important
things are rarely urgent and urgent things are


It’s possible to be efficient without
being effective. In other words, you
can be busy without moving toward
your goals. In order to determine
whether you are using your time
wisely, answer the following ques-
tions, “Am I efficient only at doing
unimportant work? Am I busy just
doing things, or am I getting things
done?” To ensure that you are being
both efficient and effective, it’s criti-
cal that you match your priorities with
the right tasks, and focus most of
your attention on those things that
will help you reach goals. That’s time
well spent.


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