Time Management : Set Priorities to Get the Right Things Done

(Darren Dugan) #1


forget all the small tasks that need to be accom-
plished toward reaching an objective.
Finally, lists make you feel in control. When
there is a carefully planned strategic agenda,
people have a road map for their time. Even
more important, creating lists forces you to
make decisions about how to use your time. The
best lists are based on the priorities or relative
importance and urgency of the things you need
to accomplish. If you fi nd yourself wondering
how best to use your “now,” check the list. If it’s a
sound and comprehensive list, the answer will be
right in front of you.
With a good list, you won’t ever have to rear-
range your priorities on the fl y. You won’t have


Writing down the things you need to
accomplish as a to-do list offers many
time-saving benefits, including:

  • Prioritizing what is most urgent,
    second most urgent, and so on

  • Showing other people what you’re
    doing and how your time is spent

  • Keeping you focused on the impor-
    tant tasks

  • Providing a visual reminder of your
    long-term goals


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