Time Management : Set Priorities to Get the Right Things Done

(Darren Dugan) #1

to formulate plans during a crisis. Making lists
also organizes your thinking, which is extremely
important to effective time management. Scat-
tered thinking wastes time.
Organized thinking, according to experts, is
also the most creative and innovative thinking.
Diane Deacon, president of the Creative Think-
ing Association of America, and Mike Vance,
cofounder of that organization and the fi rst dean
of Disney University, the legendary training
organization inside the Walt Disney Company,
explode the myth that creativity comes out of
chaos and disorder. On the contrary, they argue,


Caving in to others’ demands on your
time can cause you to lose sight of
your goals and derail them entirely. Do
not become distracted by attending to
everything and everyone around you.
Remember what’s important to you and
what work means on your terms. Your
time belongs to you first and foremost.
If you’re not careful, you can wind up
so consumed by other people’s busi-
ness that you have no time left to
accomplish your own goals.
SOURCE:Time for Me by Helene Lerner (Source-
books, 2005).


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