Time Management : Set Priorities to Get the Right Things Done

(Darren Dugan) #1


organization and well-ordered time management
open up space and time for creativity.
Not only do lists help you get organized, they
are a constant reminder of what you’re working
on and can improve how you communicate your
efforts to others on the job. This is not to sug-
gest that you should post all of your lists for the
offi ce—although shared electronic calendars on


It’s one thing to create a to-do list of
tasks, but quite another one to manage
it effectively. To get the most out of
your list, follow these suggestions:

  • Arrange tasks in order of their
    importance and urgency.

  • Rewrite your list as priorities
    change or fluctuate.

  • Tackle your list by completing the
    first item on it, then moving on to
    the next one.

  • Clean up and rewrite your to-do
    list every day before you leave the

  • Take an upbeat attitude toward
    your tasks so that each one seems
    worthy of your time.


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