supervisor or coworker imposes a new demand
on your time, consulting your to-do list will help
you give a reasonable and realistic date and time
for fi nishing the task. You won’t need to guess.
Although you can’t tell your boss to adjust her
priorities, you will have a ready answer when she
asks if you’re busy or if you can help: “Let’s take
a look at my to-do list and see what I can work
out.” It also avoids one of the most frustrating
situations in business, which is to be over-
whelmed with work without anyone else being
aware of it.
There is nothing on your to-do list
that can’t be accomplished with pro-
fessionalism. Your motto should be:
“Excellence everywhere and in all
things.” Put another way, if anything
on your to-do list isn’t worth doing with
enthusiasm, why are you doing it at
all? A positive attitude will make time
seem to pass more quickly. So why
not make the time-management deci-
sion to make all your time, even time
spent doing mundane tasks, quality
time—that is, time doing a good job
and doing it with a positive attitude?