Time Management : Set Priorities to Get the Right Things Done

(Darren Dugan) #1

disappear on your desk and can even be thrown
away by mistake.
Day planners from Franklin Covey and other
time-management presses, such as Day-Timer,
are great organization tools, as are most pre-
printed portable calendars. Keeping to-do lists
on your personal digital assistant ( PDA) or cell


Once you’ve decided to manage your
time better, start by making a list of
all your unfinished business. Write
down every outstanding item—all that
to-do stuff floating around in your
brain—even if it’s more than a hun-
dred items: picking up your dry clean-
ing, purging old files, researching new
ideas, and so forth.
Most people feel overwhelmed by the
sheer number of items on that page—
sometimes there are so many that
you’d need to be superhuman to get
it all done. The first step is to accept
that some of the items won’t ever get
done without help. The second step is
to prioritize the list and set a deadline
for yourself. And finally... just do it.
SOURCE:Get Organizedby Ron Fry (Thomson
Delmar Learning, 2004).


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