unexpected changes can help you stay on top of
things when your priorities shift.
Financial Priorities. Your fi nancial priorities,
which affect you and those who depend on you,
both at home and in the workplace, are a major
factor when you create a to-do list. If your com-
pany doesn’t succeed fi nancially, neither will you.
Tasks on your to-do list must refl ect the need
to build fi nancial stability for the enterprise. As
conditions shift and economic threats appear,
shift the emphasis of your tasks to help make the
business more profi table.
All kinds of factors affect your ability
to manage time effectively. You need
to anticipate and be prepared for each
of them:
- Financial concerns, both personal
and professional - Deadline priorities that change
when you’re not looking - Issues with coworkers or subordi-
nates at work - Other projects that pop up
- Commitments inspired by obligation
or a desire to avoid conflict - POWER POINTS •