once again where you can best invest your time
and energy to balance the interests of the com-
pany, customers, your career, and other people
who matter to you.
Other Project Priorities.When you take on
a large project in addition to your job respon-
sibilities, such as a philanthropic campaign, a
cooperative effort with another company, or a
project with a church, temple, or community
organization, it’s easy to be overwhelmed. Take
a macro view, so that you clearly understand the
bigger picture and portion out your time accord-
ingly. No matter how big and overwhelming the
project seems, it will become more manageable
as soon as you break it down into chunks.
“If you wait until all the
lights are ‘green’ before
you leave home, you’ll
never get started on your
trip to the top.”
—Zig Ziglar,
motivational speaker