Do today if time remains: Items that can wait
but should be done if time allows
Don’t procrastinate. By making this pact with
yourself to follow through on your to-do list, you
will feel better and more effi cient at the end of
each day. You will avoid feeling guilty about put-
ting diffi cult things off for another day. Consider,
too, that hourly or daily tasks left uncompleted
accumulate. Before you know it, unfi nished daily
tasks interfere with accomplishing weekly objec-
tives. Unfi nished weekly objectives muddy the
waters for your goals to be reached. Executing
the immediate tasks at hand sets the stage for
executing your objectives and long-term goals.
The only way to achieve goals is one small step
at a time. You must address these small steps
in the moment. That makes the “now” priority
number one. Use it or lose it.