Time Management : Set Priorities to Get the Right Things Done

(Darren Dugan) #1


from thinking ahead and planning. It includes
scheduling wisely, meeting deadlines consis-
tently, and organizing yourself and those around
you, including your team, boss, and clients.


For many working professionals, a day is an exer-
cise in playing catch-up. You may be late for your


According to author Julie Morgenstern,
there are many “types” of time. Which
of these are most important to you?

  • Work time is time allotted to earn-
    ing money.

  • Self time recharges your batteries
    and restores your physical, spiritual,
    and emotional well-being.

  • Family time allows you to build and
    sustain relationships with the most
    important people in your life.

  • Relationship time involves other
    people who matter to you—old and
    new friends, and collaborators on
    school, church, or civic projects.

  • Financial time goes to financial
    planning, investing, budgeting,


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