Scheduling is all about being prepared. Most
problems or crises you face on a daily basis are
rarely that much of a surprise. You probably
have encountered them before: That weekly
ten o’clock meeting always runs late and that
particular client always threatens to go to your
competitor after receiving the fi rst cost esti-
mate for a project. Proper scheduling takes into
account all your on-the-job knowledge and
experience to prevent expected—and even unex-
pected—problems from knocking you fl at.
A good schedule is fl exible enough to
accommodate unforeseen developments and
complications. Developments and complications
When you begin to make a detailed
schedule, it is good to be aware of
any pitfalls that may be lurking in the
shadows. A good schedule is always
prepared for and ready to accommo-
date surprises.
Do be prepared for crisis and
catastrophe. Schedule time for
Don’t forget to be flexible.
Don’t neglect to have a Plan B in
case of unforeseen emergencies.
Dos & Don’tsR