prepared to tackle the next day’s tasks and
allow you to reschedule any task that wasn’t
completed by the end of the day.
Project Schedules
A project is, in essence, a goal and should be
handled accordingly: by breaking it into smaller
objectives, creating and prioritizing a to-do
list of tasks, and scheduling those tasks. When
you schedule or draft a timeline for a project,
you are creating a map that will tell you exactly
how you will spend your time leading up to the
project deadline.
The rebuilding of highways in Los
Angeles after the Northridge earth-
quake in 1994 is a good example of
take-no-prisoners time management.
On January 17, the earthquake injured
more than 9,000 people and damaged
or destroyed 54,000 buildings, includ-
ing the Santa Monica Freeway (I-10),
one of the world’s most heavily traf-
ficked highways.
Rebuilding the freeway began less
than 24 hours after the quake. When
the contractor was told that it would
take 3 weeks to ship steel beams to
repair two fallen I-10 bridges, he