Time Management : Set Priorities to Get the Right Things Done

(Darren Dugan) #1


determined needs your attention, handle it
as soon as possible. Don’t toss it in a pile of
“stuff ” that needs to be reviewed and acted on.
Not only will important papers get lost, but
this pile can quickly grow to an unmanage-
able size and eventually take hours and hours
to sift through. Once you are done with the
document, toss it in the recycling bin or file
it. Don’t let it sit idly on your desk, taking up
room and possibly distracting you from other
important papers.
Some people fi nd it useful to designate a
particular chunk of their day to writing and
responding to e-mails and paper mail. For
example, you might decide to dedicate an hour


The phone is one of the most impor-
tant communication tools, but it can
also interrupt and distract you from
more crucial things on your to-do list.
Here are a few tips for using the phone
 Do take important calls and
schedule time for the rest.
 Don’t go “off-line” or “silent” for
such extended periods of time that
people feel you are unresponsive.
They’ll just call more often.

Dos & Don’tsR

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