Making effi cient calls.Offer the same courtesy
to people you call that you’d like them to extend
to you. Begin the call by telling the person on
the other line that you understand she is busy
and you will only take a few minutes of her time.
Even if the person you’re calling is not too busy
to chat, she will take your cue—you have cour-
teously indicated that you need to get down to
business. Truly busy people will appreciate your
consideration. Before you make a call, think
about the points you need to cover.
When leaving a message on someone else’s
voice mail, always note what you’re calling about.
A clear message will help you stick to an agenda
when your call is returned.
One of the most insidious time traps
you can fall into is the belief that by
working a little longer, or by taking
work home on the weekends, you can
finally catch up. Face it: Work can,
and will, consume all of your free time
if you let it. You need to draw the
line and maintain a healthy balance
between your personal life and work.
Each must have its limits.
SOURCE:The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Managing
Your Time by Jeff Davidson (Alpha, 2001).
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