Time Management : Set Priorities to Get the Right Things Done

(Darren Dugan) #1


Let those invited know how much you expect
them to contribute. You might tell Jill from
human resources, “As our human resources
representative, will you please report on the staff-
ing needs of this project?” The advance notice
gives Jill the chance to do some research or to
hand the request off to someone else. Having the
right person at the right meeting is a fi rst step to
ensuring meetings will be more productive and
time effi cient.

Time and place.What’s the best venue for the
meeting? Should it be on- or off-site? A tele-
conference or online? Although logistics often
dictate the answer, your goal should always be
to minimize the impact the meeting will have
on your and other people’s time. Be consider-
ate of the attendees’ time constraints—asking
someone, for instance, to meet you off-site might

“An organization in which
everybody meets all the
time is an organization
in which no one gets
anything done.”
—Peter Drucker
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