Time Management : Set Priorities to Get the Right Things Done

(Darren Dugan) #1

precious time by slacking off. Instead, keep going
at your typical pace. In fact, the time to step on
the gas is when you’re ahead of schedule, not
when you’re behind. When your back is to the
wall, you can’t properly negotiate for the things

 Don’t allow telephone calls to turn
into lengthy conversations that
drain precious time away from more
important tasks.
 Don’t feel bad about cutting phone
calls or other coworkers short when
you are working on something
 Do let others know that you are
busy, but don’t forget that others
are too. Mutual understanding of
time constraints will make things
run more efficiently.
 Don’t let office chatter become a
time-consuming distraction. Let
others know up front that you are
busy but willing to hear what they
need to say.
 Do be mindful and respectful of
other people’s time and schedules.
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