you might be under-producing and wasting
valuable time. That’s because, by overloading
your time, you can quickly wear yourself out.
You may even inadvertently isolate yourself from,
or alienate, people with whom you could develop
the synergy to produce at an even higher level.
In fact, taking care of yourself is so important
that you should not leave it to chance. Sched-
ule mini-breaks throughout the day, and go
some place where you can’t be interrupted. Plan
weekends so that you don’t wind up on Sunday
evening wondering when the recreation is going
to begin. Don’t overlook the restorative and
regenerative effects of vacation time on your
body and your spirit.
Sound time-management practices are
intended to make you more—not less—in
control of both your life and your work. By
aggressively protecting your work time—sched-
uling your activities and planning ahead—you
can then afford to keep your work and personal
life in balance.
Some of the most productive people and best
time managers are not the superhumans who
can work around the clock and bounce back for
more. They are the ones who establish an even
pace and trot along at a moderate rate of effi -
ciency. Like the tortoise, they get to the fi nish line
in good shape, having done good work.