European Drawings - 1, Catalogue of the Collections

(Darren Dugan) #1
92 A Man Threshing

beside a Wagon,

Farm Buildings Behind

Red, black, blue, green, and yellow chalk and touches of
pen and brown ink on pale gray paper; H: 25.5 cm (10
in.); W: 41.5 cm (i6^5 /i6in.)
84.00.693 (SEE PLATE 10)
PROVENANCE: William, second duke of Devonshire,
Chatsworth; by descent to the current duke (sale, Chris-
tie's, London, July 3, 1984, lot 52).
EXHIBITIONS: Seventeenth Century Art in Europe, Royal
Academy of Arts, London, 1938 , p. in, fig. 614 (cata-
logue of drawings by A. E. Popham et al.). Dessins de
Pierre-Paul Rubens, Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels, De-
cember 1938-February 1939, no. 4 7 (catalogueby L. van
Puyvelde). Catalogue van Teekeningen van Petrus Paulus
Rubens, Museum Boymans-van Beuningen, Rotter-
dam, Februarys-March 1939, no. 45. Old Master Draw-
ings from Chatsworth, Arts Council Gallery, London,
1949, no. 45 (catalogue by A. E. Popham). P. P. Rubens,
esquisses, dessins, gravures, Suomen Taideakatemia, Hel-
sinki, and Musees Royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique,
Brussels, 1952-1953, no. 45. TekeningenvanP. P. Rubens,
Rubenshuis, Antwerp, June-September 1956, no. 77
(catalogue by L. Burchard and R.-A. d'Hulst). Old Mas-
ter Drawings from Chatsworth, City Art Gallery, Man-
chester, July-September 1961, no. 96. Old Master Draw-
ings from Chatsworth, National Gallery of Art,
Washington, D.C., and other institutions, 1962-1963,
no. 100 (catalogue by A. E. Popham). Old Master Draw-
ings from Chatsworth: A Loan Exhibition from the Devon-
shire Collection, Royal Academy of Arts, London, July-
August 1969, no. 100 (catalogue by A. E. Popham). Ru-
bens: Drawings and Sketches, British Museum, London,
1977 , no. 202 (catalogue byJ. Rowlands).

BIBLIOGRAPHY: M. Rooses, Rubens-Bulletijn, 3rdser., 5
(1900), p. 204; The Vasari Society for the Reproduction of
Drawings by Old Masters, ist ser. (Oxford, 1908), vol. 4,
no. 21; L. Burchard, "Drei Zeichnungen in Dresdener
Sammlungen," Mitteilungen aus den Sdchsischen Kunst-
sammlungen 4 (1913), pp. 8, 9, 59-60; G. GliickandF. M.
Haberditzl, Die Handzeichnungen von Peter Paul Rubens
(Berlin, 1928), p. 40, no. 94; L. van Puyvelde, "Die
Handzeichnungen des P. P. Rubens zu der Ausstellung in
Briissel," Pantheon 23, no. 3 (March 1939), p. 78; G.

Gluck, De landschappen van Peter Paul Rubens (Antwerp
and Amsterdam, 1940), pp. 17; 54, under no. 3; 72; idem,
Die Landschaften von Peter Paul Rubens (Berlin, 1945), pp.
15 , under no. 3; 72; A. J. J. Delen, Flemish Master Draw-
ings of the Seventeenth Century (New York, 1950), pp. 19 ,
no. 3; 37; M. Jaffe, "Rubens' Drawings at Antwerp,"
Burlington Magazine 98, no. 642 (September 1956), p.
321 ; J. S. Held, Rubens: Selected Drawings (London,
1959), no. 129; p. 146, under no. 133; H. Gerson and
E. H. Ter Kuile, Art and Architecture in Belgium, 1600-
1800 (Harmondsworth, 1960), p. 189, n. 147; L. Bur-
chard and R.-A. d'Hulst, Rubens Drawings (Brussels,
1963), vol. i, no. 101; p. 167, under no. 102; J. Theu-
wissen, "De kar en de wagen in het werk van Rubens,"
Jaarboek, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Ant-
werp (1966), pp. 199-210; idem, Het landbouwvoertuig in
de etnografie van de Kempen (Antwerp and Utrecht, 1969),
p. 44; idem, "Het werk van Bruegel en Rubens als beeld-
document," Volkskunde (1971), pp. 351-352; I. Kuznet-
sov, Risunki Rubensa (Moscow, 1974), p. i6;J. Richard-
son and E. Zafran, Master Paintings from the Hermitage and
the State Russian Museum, Leningrad, exh. cat., M.
Knoedler and Co., New York, 1975, p. 62, under no. 16;
K. A. Roy and S. D. Walther, "P. P. Rubens 1570-1640,"
in Rubenism, exh. cat., Bell Gallery, Brown University,
Providence, 1975, p. 19; F. Baudoin, P. P. Rubens (New
York, 1977), pp. 120, 124; M. Bernhard, Rubens Hand-
zeichnungen (Munich, 1977), pi. 275; D. Bodart, Rubens
e Vincisione nelle collezioni del Gabinetto delle Stampe
(Rome, 1977), pp. 59-60, under no. 97; H. Mielke and
M. Winner, Peter Paul Rubens-—Kritischer Katalog der
Zeichnungen: Originale, Umkreis, Kopien, Staatliche Mu-
seen Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Kupferstichkabinett (Berlin,
1977), p. 92, under no. 32; H. Vlieghe, De schilder Rubens
(Utrecht, 1977), pp. 90-91; J. Theuwissen, "De Wereld
Van De Boer Zoals Rubens die Zag," Spiegel Historiael
12 , no. 6 (June 1977), pp. 358-360; W. Adler, Landscapes,
Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard, vol. 18 (New
York, 1982), pp. 57, under no. 12; 82 , under no. 19; 100,
under nos. 26, 26a; 154, under no. 48b; L. Vergara, Ru-
bens and the Poetics of the Landscape (New Haven and Lon-
don, 1982), pp. 75, 79; J. Byam Shaw, "Drawings from
Chatsworth," Apollo 119, no. 26 8 (June 1984), p. 45 8,
fig. io;J. S. Held, Rubens: Selected Drawings (Mt. Kisco,
1986), pp. 113, no. 113; 115, under no. 119; 219, pi. 115.

Rubens' painting of the Prodigal Son (Antwerp, Konin-
klijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten) and the Landscape
with a Country Wagon (Leningrad, State Hermitage) since
the time of Rooses (1900, p. 204). It is also associated


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