Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1

The Eucharist on the medal is depicted as a sunburst, complete with the
initials ìIHSî in the center, alleged to be the initials for the vision of Constantine.
On the front side was a bust of Pope Pius XI.

The majority of old Roman
Catholic monstrances use a
crescent as a mount for the
wafer when placing it on display
for adoration.

Duplicating the pagan imagery of the solar disc in a crescent moon, you have
the symbols of the sun god and the Queen of heaven in the monstrance. These
symbols are known throughout history, and have always been associated with
idolatry and witchcraft.

The following two pictures are also stone carvings from ancient days.

The one on the left is from the reign of King Ur-Nammu, circa 2060 BC. Ur, in
the land of Chaldee was notorious for itís idolatrous practices. The one on the
right was carved to honor Baal.

The same crescent symbol supporting the sun shaped disc is shown in both.
ìThe wheel of the yearî is also very evident in the center of the Nammu disk.

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