But I seriously doubt if Benny Hinn, Paul Crouch or the rest of the Apostles of
Greed would be willing to sacrifice their opulence for the sake of TBN!
Unfortunately, far too many people have become addicted to the promises of
riches that are spewed forth care of TBN airwaves. They are duped into giving,
giving and giving more to these spiritual parasites. Like seasoned drug dealers
these false teachers continue to hold out to their listeners the same promises of
wealth so they can keep the funds necessary to maintain their exorbitant
lifestyles coming in.
All in the Name of Jesus Christ!
Although they claim that the LORD just wants to bless their followers for being
obedient in giving, it is the false teachers who seem to be truly blessed from this
heresy. These lying dogs claim that it is the Lord that has blessed them, but
without the gullible followers that support their lavishness, they would genuinely
be in dire straits.
So the question poses itself ñ why are these false shepherds prospered if their
increase is based on lies, misconceptions and heretical teachings? One of the
obvious reasons is that people donate because they have been taught that if
they give, they will in turn receive more than they gave. In the book of Psalms it
is recorded that Asaph came to an interesting conclusion.
ìBehold, these are the ungodly, who prosper in the world; they
increase in riches.î Psalm 73:12
The Apostleís of Greed revel in the prosperity they have been blessed with,
and heap praises on those teachers that support them in this error.
ìFor the wicked boasteth of his heart's desire, and blesseth the
covetous, whom the LORD abhorreth.î Psalm 10:2
In the New Testament, the scriptures reveal the real reason that prosperity has
come to those that preach error and extort money from the Body of Christ.
ìAnd the devil said unto [Jesus], All this power will I give thee,
and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to
whomsoever I will I give it. If thou therefore wilt worship me, all
shall be thine.î Luke 4:6-7 (emphasis mine)
Is wealth the plumb line of a righteous life? According to Pastor Benny Hinn it
ìÖfor money always follows righteousness.î 4