Chapter 37 Accountability
- Charles Spurgeon, ìFeeding Sheep or Amusing Goats?î
- Paul Crouch, ìTBN Praise-a-thonî November 2, 3003
- Jan Crouch, TBN 11/11/2003
- Texe Marrs, ìFlashpoint Newsletterî 12/96
- TBN Newsletter September 2003 Vol. XXX Num. IX
- Plains Baptist Challenger, June 1984
- Jack Chick, ìSmokescreensî p. 49 Chick Publications, CA 1983
- Christianity Today, Sept. 3, 1991
- G. Richard Fisher and M. Kurt Goedelman, ìThe Confusing World Of Benny Hinnî, pp. 132-133
quoting ìPraise The Lord Showî, Trinity Broadcasting network, December 27, 1994. - Benny Hinn, ìThe Bloodî pp. 161-165 as cited on
- Trinity Broadcasting Network, February 11, 1992
- Witness Inc. News, Spring 1994
- TBN, ìBehind the Scenesî 11/13/2003
- CIB Bulletin, July 1991
- TBN Newsletter, 2/95
- Jackie Alnor, ìBenny Hinnís Strange Visitors; Angels or Aliensî, The Christian Sentinel webpage 2002
- World Civilizations home page, ìUlrich Zwingliî
- Ibid.
- Martin Luther, ìThe Babylonian Captivity of the Churchî p. 5 1520
- Paul Crouch, Praise the Lord program broadcast on TBN 10/17/89
- Paul Crouch, ìPraise-a-thonî broadcast on TBN, 4/2/91
- Paul Crouch, TBN, 11/7/97
- TBN Productions, ìMegiddo ñ Omega Code IIî, 2001
- Benny Hinn, ìPraise-a-thonî broadcast on TBN 11/8/90
- Benny Hinn, ìChristianity Todayî, Oct. 5, 1992
Chapter 38 Benny Hinn, TBN and Rome
- TBN, "Praise The Lord" 12/29/02
- Benny Hinn, Praise the Lord, broadcast on TBN June 8, 1998
- Benny Hinn, TBN September 10, 1999
- Benny Hinn, TBN October 23 1992
- Benny Hinn, "Benny Hinn" program on TBN November 3, 1990
- Benny Hinn, ìPraise-a-thonî TBN November 6, 1990
- Benny Hinn TBN, 1990
- Benny Hinn, TBN December 1, 1990
- Benny Hinn, "Our Position In Christî tape #AO31190-1
- John Avanzini, TBN ìPraise-a-thonî November 2, 2003
- Kenneth Copeland, ìThe Force of Loveî audiotape Kenneth Copeland Ministries, Fort Worth, TX, 1987
- Paul Crouch, "Praise the Lordî July 7, 1986
- Benny Hinn, ìOur Position in Christ # 2 -The Word Made Fleshî Orlando Christian Center, 1991
- The Great Encyclical Letters of Pope Leo XIII p. 304, Benziger Brothers 1903
- Lucius Ferraris, ìPrompta Bibliothecaî Papa Article 1
- Benny Hinn, ìPraise-a-thonî November 1990
- Brigham Young, ìJournal of Discourses, Vol. 1î p. 50
- James E. Talmage (LDS Apostle), ìArticles of Faithî pp.430 ñ431