Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1

The tradition of lighting the Olympic flame also comes from the Greek
Olympiads. During the games, the sacred flame would be ignited from the sunsí
rays at Mount Olympia, signifying that ìlife and lightî come from the sun. It would
continue burning until the games were over.

ìThe Eternal Flameî has come to symbolize the light of the spirit, knowledge and
life. Once again replacing the Eternal God (who is the source of light, life and
knowledge), with the sun.

ìIn him (Jesus) was life; and the life was the light of men.î

John 1:4

ì...for the Lord is a God of knowledge...î 1 Samuel 2:3

Christmas Wreaths

What we know as the Christmas wreath also comes from ancient Pagan

ìMade from evergreens, Christmas wreaths were most
frequently round, which symbolized the sun (just as do halos
in most religious art). Hence, the round Xmas wreaths stand
for an eternal sun, a never-dying or self-renewing sun. In
addition, the round form can also relate to the sign of the
female, which stands for the regeneration of life.î 1

This is a typical wreath
anyone might find during the
Christmas Season. Complete
with the sacred red holly
berries and the gilded sun
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