Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1

According to official Roman teaching, the Blessed Virgin has appeared many
times over the centuries since the crucifixion of Christ. Whenever these
apparitions occurred, only a certain number of people saw and heard her. Except
for a cloth that contains the image of Guadalupe, the statues and artwork of the
Virgin used today are based on the descriptions of those individuals.

All of these visitations have these two things in common:

  1. The Blessed Virgin demanded that the faithful pray the Rosary, or the Rosary
    was being recited when the vision was seen.

Our Lady of Fatima: ìíPray the Rosary everydayÖî 6

Our Lady of Guadalupe: ìPray my Rosary.î 7

Our Lady of Lourdes: ìWithout thinking of what I was doing I
took my Rosary in my hands and went on my knees. The
Lady made with Her head a sign of approval and Herself
took into Her hands a Rosary which hung on Her right
arm.î 8

  1. The Lady commanded that chapels or temples be built on the site where the
    apparition appeared.

Fatima: ìI wish to tell you that I want a chapel built here in
my honor.î 9 (emphasis mine)

Guadalupe: ìI wish that a temple be erected hereÖî 10

Our Lady of Lourdes: ìGo and tell the Priests to have a
Chapel built here.î 11

On the left is a picture of the original chapel built in Fatima. On the right
is how the chapel looks now. People that were seeking relics of the
visitation of the Holy Mother almost completely destroyed the original.
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