9—Vector Calculus 1 218
viscosity, but I’ll put it aside for now save for one observation: how much information is needed to
describe whatever it is? The sphere changes to an ellipsoid, and the first question is: what is the
longest axis and how much stretch occurs along it — that’s the three components of a vector. After
that what is the shortest axis and how much contraction occurs alongit? That’s one more vector,
but you need only two new components to define its direction because it’s perpendicular to the long
axis. After this there’s nothing left. The direction of the third axis is determined and so is its length if
you assume that the total volume hasn’t changed. You can assume that is so because the question of
volume change is already handled by the divergence; you don’t need it here too. The total number of
components needed for this object is2 + 3 = 5. It comes under the heading of tensors.
9.3 Computing the divergence
Now how do you calculate these? I’ll start with the simplest, the divergence, and compute the time
derivative of a volume from the velocity field. To do this, go back to the definition of derivative:
= lim
∆t→ 0
V(t+ ∆t)−V(t)
Pick an arbitrary surface to start with and see how the volume changes as the fluid moves,
carrying the surface with it. In time∆ta point on the surface will move by a distance~v∆tand it will
carry with it a piece of neighboring area∆A. This area sweeps out a volume. This piece of volume
is not∆Atimesv∆tbecause the motion isn’t likely to be perpendicular to the surface. It’s only the
componentof the velocity normal to the surface that contributes to the volume swept out. Usenˆto
denote the unit vector perpendicular to∆A, then this volume is∆Anˆ.~v∆t. This is the same as the
calculation for fluid flow except that I’m interpreting the picture differently.
If at a particular point on the surface the normalnˆis more or less in the direction of the velocity
then this dot product is positive and the change in volume is positive. If it’s opposite the velocity then
the change is negative. The total change in volume of the whole initial volume is the sum over the
entire surface of all these changes. Divide the surface into a lot of pieces∆Aiwith accompanying unit
normalsˆni, then
Not really. I have to take a limit before this becomes an equality. The limit of this as all the∆Ai→ 0
defines an integral
and this integral notation is special; the circle through the integral designates an integral over the whole